Programme code: 3110
Regulations: RD 99/2011
Knowledge branch: Social and legal science
Doctoral website:
Organised by:Institute of Human Rights
Management Centre:Postgraduate School
Participating Universities:University of Valencia General Study
Programme Coordinator:Dr Ricardo Juan Sánchez
Places available for new students:15 places
Aims: This doctoral programme aims to provide advance training to get the official doctoral degree, promoting and developing solid training strategies for researchers to contribute to the development of knowledge in Human Rights. This will be done both from an academic fundamental research perspective and from a professional praxis-oriented perspective in the different legal sectors. It is an interdisciplinary programme that intends to put in common and compare different points of view of human rights in an innovative working model which adapted to the new EHEA demands. The thematic goal of the programme consists of analysing the reality of Human Rights in contemporary societies from a comprehensive approach, identifying the main challenges and problems with the present and future ones.
Description: The Doctoral Programme in Human Rights, Democracy and International Justice has the mention of excellence awarded by the Ministry of Education, being among the eight Law Doctoral Programmes that were awarded with this mention in Spain. The awarding of the mention of excellence supports, without any doubt, the Third-Cycle training career implemented by the University of Valencia in recent years and the academic excellence of the doctoral programme. The current programme is the adaptation to the new regulations, governed by the RD 99/2011, 28 January, of the doctoral programme under the same name currently in force at the University of Valencia from the academic year 2009-10, when five doctoral programmes of the University converged. The first one, was associated to the Department of Legal History: “Methodology and research in Legal History”; the second and the third were associated to the Department of Administrative and Procedural Law: “A new criminal justice” of departmental character and “Current Law problems” of international character; the fourth programme was associated to the Department of Criminal Law “Current tendencies of Criminal Law” and finally an inter-departmental and inter-university doctoral programme, (through the Consolider-Ingenio programme): “Fundamental Rights. The fight for rights”. These five programmes left behind some of their original content to join the doctoral studies around the subject area they had in common, human rights, of obvious social usefulness, managing on the one hand to provide with a holistic perspective of teaching in human rights and on the other hand to optimise the teaching and research resources. In this sense, the doctoral studies suggests an extremely innovative working model adapted to the new demands.
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