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Institut Universitari de Drets Humans
Màster en Drets Humans, Democràcia i Justícia Internacional
Del 14 d'abril 2015 a l'1 de juny 2015
Institut Universitari de Drets Humans
Màster en Drets Humans, Democràcia i Justícia Internacional
Del 14 d'octubre 2015 al 11 de febrer 2016
University Institute of Human Rights
Master’s degree in Human Rights, Democracy and International Justice
From 2 Febraury to 22 May 2015
Institut Universitari de Drets Humans
Màster en Drets Humans, Democràcia i Justícia Internacional
Del 13 de octubre al 6 de febrer 2014
University Institute of Human Rights
Master’s degree in Human Rights, Democracy and International Justice
From 4 March to 11 June 2014
University Institute of Human Rights
Master’s degree in Human Rights, Democracy and International Justice
From 13 October 2010 to 7 February 2014
University Institute of Human Rights
Master’s degree in Human Rights, Democracy and International Justice
From 13 March to 12 June 2013
University Institute of Human Rights
Master’s degree in Human Rights, Democracy and International Justice
From 15 October 2012 to 20 February 2013
University Institute of Human Rights
Master’s degree in Human Rights, Democracy and International Justice
From 12 March to 23 May 2012
University Institute of Human Rights
Master’s degree in Human Rights, Democracy and International Justice
From 17 October 2011 to 16 January 2012
University Institute of Human Rights
Master’s degree in Human Rights, Democracy and International Justice
From 21 March to 30 May 2011
Universitary Institute of Human Rights
Master’s degree in Human Rights, Democracy and International Justice
From 13 October 2010 to 8 February 2011