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Cross-disciplinary activities in the Doctoral Programme in Human Rights, Democracy and International Justice.

Doctoral students must take the following cross-disciplinary training activities:

1. Writing of scientific articles:through their participation in the activity, the students will learn the rules applied in scientific publications, analyse the components of a scientific article and have the opportunity to apply technical knowledge gained in the development of a separate article. Among the contents, types of scientific publications, the basic rules in writing scientific articles and their constituent elements, writing abstracts or summaries and keywords, the method and the results just like the recommendations for the development of study tables and graphics, and for quotations and references. Part-time students may attend it in the first year of enrolment or either in the second, at their choice.

2. Quotations and impact: assessment in the Research activity in Human sciences and Social sciences.

3. Transfer of research results: by participating in the activity, students will reflect on research as strategic value for the University and the value of knowledge generated in the university and its uses; knowledge protection through intellectual and industrial property rights; and the importance of good practices and ethics in the cooperation University-Enterprise. Part-time students may study it either in their third year,or in the fourth, according to their choice.

The Doctoral Programme recommends the previous courses and in the prior chronological order, although other courses and in different order can be carried out. The three courses can alse be carried out during the first year.

The cross-disciplinary training activities of the doctoral programme are organised by the Lifelong Learning and Educational Innovation Service, and by the Professional Placement and Careers Advice Monitoring Centre, of Universitat de València. More information

The Academic Committee will announce with time enough to allow the enrolment in said activities, even though it is recommendable consulting periodically the programme web page. The enrolment in these activities is made online, with the user and password provided by La Universitat in the moment of enrolment, from the publication of the offer of the course.