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According to the Royal Decree 99/2011, 28 January, which regulates the official doctoral studies, it will be necessary to hold the Spanish qualifications of Undergraduate Degree, or equivalent, and of University Master’s Degree. Likewise, applicants under the following circumstances also can access:
· To hold a Spanish university qualification or from other country of the European Higher Education Area, which gives access to the Master’s Degree, according to the provisions of the Royal Decree 1393/2007, 29 October, and they should have passed at least 300 credits of their official university studies, from which at least 60 have to be of Master’s studies.
· To hold an Undergraduate Degree whose duration according to the rules of Community Law is at least of 300 credits. Those certificates have to take compulsorily the bridging courses established in the provisions of the article 7.2 of these regulations, unless the curriculum of the corresponding undergraduate degree includes research training credits, whose training value is equivalent to the research credits to those from Master’s studies.
· The university graduates who, after obtaining a training place in the corresponding entry test for specific health training, have passed with a positive assessment at least two training years of a programme for obtaining the official certificate of any of the specialisations in Health Sciences.
· To hold a degree obtained according to foreign educational systems, without the need of its accreditation, after verification by the university that it certifies a level of training equivalent to the official Spanish qualification of the Master’s Degree and which confers in the issuance country of the degree the access to doctoral studies. This admission doesn’t not imply, in any case, the accreditation of the previous degree or its recognition for other purposes different to the access to Doctoral Studies.
· To hold other Spanish Doctoral qualification obtained according to previous university regulations.
Recommended entry profile: To hold an undergraduate degree or equivalent in Law, Political Sciences, Sociology, International Relations, Humanities, Philosophy and a master’s degree in areas related to Human Rights. Additional entry profile: To hold an undergraduate and a master’s degree, in any other academic area different from the previous ones, and certify professional activity in the field of Human Rights.
The students that had taken the Master’s degree in Human Rights, Democracy and International Justice or another of the master’s degree listed in the recommended entry profile, do not have to take any bridging course once they have been admitted, as it is understood that the methodological and research training acquired is enough as for not requiring them.