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Psycho- social Risks Committee

The Committee for Psychosocial Risks (CRPS) is a parity body which arises from the Committee for Security and Health (CSS) and which is composed of institutional and trade representation (the trade section includes one member per each trade section within the Committee for Security and Health).

The Committee for Psychosocial Risks aims at assessing, by making proposals, evaluations and reports, on psychosocial factors concerning the organisation and which may affect the health of workers.

The CRPS has recently developed an acting Protocol for risk factors within the field of the University of València, which was later approved by the CSS.

CRPS members are subject to professional secrecy of any information in their hands, specially personal data they have access to. This professional secrecy must be held even after the end of their relationship with the CRPS.

The members of the Committee for Psychosocial Risks are the following:

Institutional representation Destination and position E-mail
Atienza González, Francisco (President) Dept. de Personalitat Francisco.l.Atienza@uv.es
Molina Segarra, Mónica (Secretary) SPMA Monica.Molina@uv.es
Alberola Aguilar, Antonio Director SPMA Antonio.Alberola@uv.es
Boix Palop, Andreu Dept. de Dret Administratiu i Processal


Asensi Borrás, M. Celeste UVdiscapacitat Celeste.Asensi@uv.es
Mochales San Vicente, Rosa María Unitat d'Igualtat R.M.Mochales@uv.es
Ramírez Martínez, José Vicegerent Jose.Ramirez@uv.es
Prevention Delegates Trade Union E-mail
Gómez Sánchez, Lucía CGT Lucia.Gomez-Sanchez@uv.es
Hernandez Ortega, Carmen CSI- CSIF Carmen.Hernandez-ortega@uv.es
Martínez García, Asunción SATTUi Asuncion.Martinez@uv.es
Granero Torres, José Luis UGT J.Luis.Granero@uv.es
Pérez Asensio, Jorge PPDIP Jordi.Perez-Asensio@uv.es
Sagrado i Vives, Teresa STEPV Teresa.Sagrado@uv.es
Valenzuela Ríos, José Ignacio CCOO Jose.I.Valenzuela@uv.es