Universitat de ValènciaHealth and Safety and the Environment Service Logo del portal

The Safety and Health Committee is a joint and licensed body intended for regular consultation of the company’s actions on risks prevention.

A Safety and Health Committee will be established in every company with 50 or more employees. The Committee will consist of the prevention delegates, on the one hand, and the businessperson and/or their representatives, equal to the number of prevention delegates, on the other hand. In the Safety and Health Committee’s meetings the union delegates and technicians in charge of the company’s prevention, who were not included in the correlation described above, will participate but without voting rights. Under the same conditions the company’s employees with special qualification or information on specific issues discussed in this body, and prevention technicians alien to the company can participate if requested by either party represented in the Committee.

The Safety and Health Committee will meet quarterly and whenever is requested by any party represented. The Committee will adopt its own performance regulations.