Universitat de ValènciaResearch Institute of Personnel Psychology, Organizational Development and Quality of Working Life Logo del portal

Contributions from IDOCAL members in the 2nd Jávea Workshop on Social and Evolutionary Psychology

  • July 6th, 2018
IDOCAL members

Between June 28 and July 1, 2018, the 2nd Javea Workshop on Social and Evolutionary Psychology took place in Jávea, with the participation of IDOCAL.

The scientific committee was composed of:

  • Douglas T. Kenrick, Arizona State University, Tempe AZ, USA
  • Martie Haselton, University of California, Los Angeles CA, USA
  • Thomas V. Pollet, Northumbrian University, Newcastle, UK
  • José Maria Peiró, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
  • Abraham P. Buunk, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands

In this workshop, relevant authors of Social Psychology, such as Douglas Professors, participated. Kenrick and Steve Neuberg, both from Arizona State University (USA) and Professor Abraham Buunk from the University of Groningen (The Netherlands).

In the workshop, the following IDOCAL members presented communications:

  • Pilar Gonzalez-Navarro, with the work: "Attractive rivals may undermine the expectation of career advancement ".
  • Rosario Zurriaga with the work: "The impact of a rival on jealousy at work".
  • Ferran Suay with the work: "Mating-related attentional changes during the menstrual cycle".

The workshop has been an opportunity to meet and share experiences with some of the most relevant authors in the field of Evolutionary Psychology, both in Europe and in the States United.
