Universitat de ValènciaResearch Institute of Personnel Psychology, Organizational Development and Quality of Working Life Logo del portal

Elections to IDOCAL's management

  • June 8th, 2018

By order of the director of the IDOCAL, it is reported that according to what was approved in the last extraordinary Council of the IDOCAL, next June 19, elections are convened to address IDOCAL. In accordance with the regulations of the institute, the members of the IDOCAL Council will participate in this election process.

The teaching and research staff belonging to the university teaching staff or stable hired staff attached to the Institute, with the title of doctor and with full-time dedication, who has been presented as a candidate or candidate for 20%, can be presented to the director of IDOCAL of the members of the Council of the Institute and that has not been revoked during the six months prior to the election.

To formalize the presentation of the application, it will be necessary to inform the director of the Institute, at least three calendar days before the election. Written acceptance of each of the candidates will be mandatory, accompanied by a photocopy of a personal accreditation document (DNI, driver's license, passport, card that justifies the condition of member of the University of Valencia).

The presentation of the candidatures must be made to the Campus Unit of Blasco Ibañez.
