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12th edition of the Cañada Blanch Foundation Award 2019

The registration to the 12th edition of the Cañada Blanch Foundation Award 2019 to research at the London School of Economics is open until 15th October. The call is open for 2019 UV graduates in Business, Business and Law, Law, Political Sciences and Public Administration, History, Economy and International Business.

The Cañada Blanch Foundation and the UV offer the opportunity of travelling to London to perform a research mobility period in the London School of Economics for 3 months. The award is worth €7,000.

Students must have graduated in 2018 or 2019 and must prove a B2-level of English or higher in order to register.

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Date From 3 september 2019 to 15 october 2019. 24h. Every day.


Fundación Cañada Blanch

Organized by

Fundación Cañada Blanch y la Universitat de València.


Contact admon@fundacioncanadablanch.org