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Academic Year 2019 - 2020
1st edition of the Employment and Professional Development in Family Business course

The Family Business’ Chair together with the UVEMPLEO service begin the first edition of the Employment and Professional Development in Family Business course. This course will begin on November 8, 2019 and will be taught by professors of the Universitat de València and external collaborators-professionals, in order to improve the employability of students in Family Businesses

In this first edition of the Employment and Professional Development in Family Business course, it aims to improve the employability processes of students in family businesses, taking into account that family businesses represent 66% of employment in Spain (Instituto de la Empresa Familiar 2015). The knowledge of these realities will allow tomorrow's professionals to have better skills and abilities to contribute to the competitiveness and continuity of family businesses, either as members of business families, or as non-property professionals who know how to support the processes of improvement with the sufficient level of empathy with the family project.

The course is part of the UVEMPLEO service offer, which implies that credits can be validated in the degrees of the Universitat de València.




Date From 14 october 2019 to 8 november 2019. 24h. Every day.


Tarongers Campus

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Contact cef.uveg@gmail.es

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