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Punto de libro de promoción de la donación de sangre
Blood donation in the Universitat: one donation, three lives

The Sedi, in collaboration with the Centre de Transfusió de la Comunitat Valenciana (Blood Establishment of the Valencian Community), organises the week of blood donation promotion in the Universitat de València under the slogan “One donation, three lives”. After the participating students have informed the university community about the operation of the donation, the awareness campaign reaches the final phase with the location of the following donation points, operational from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 8.30 p.m:

  • Tuesday 3rd March, Burjassot Campus. Assembly Hall of the Science Library and Hall of the Faculty of Pharmacy.
  • Wednesday 4th March, Tarongers Campus. South Classrooms Building and Hall of the Faculty of Law.
  • Thursday 5th March, Blasco Ibáñez Campus. Hall of the Faculty of Psychology and hall of the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication.

We take this opportunity to remind you that throughout the year the Blood Establishment of the Community of Valencia visits the different campuses of the Universitat de València to facilitate blood donation by the university community.

  • From 3 march 2020 to 5 march 2020. Tuesday, wednesday and thursday at 09:00 to 14:00.
  • From 3 march 2020 to 5 march 2020. Tuesday, wednesday and thursday at 16:00 to 20:30.

Burjassot Campus, Tarongers Campus and Blasco Ibáñez Campus

Organized by

SeDi Information and Promotion Service and the Centre de Transfusió de la Comunitat Valenciana.



Contact voluntariat@uv.es

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