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One of the works exhibited
Exhibition ‘Riu. Rebeca Plana’

The Col·lecció Martínez Guerricabeitia - Fundació General of Universitat de València organises at Centre Cultural La Nau the exhibition ‘Riu. Rebeca Plana’, which could be visited at Martínez Guerricabeitia Exhibition Room from 25 november 2019 to 23 february 2020, in the following schedule: Tuesdays to Saturdays, from 10:00 to 20:00; Sundays and public holidays, from 10:00 to 14:00. Free entrance

Commissioned by Martí Domínguez, the exhibition shows the highly abstract character of Rebeca Plana’s work. Sometimes calligraphic character that combines elements of structured composition with a wild environment and improvisation. She uses everyday elements in the form of canvases and objects and takes them towards abstract expressionism.


Her work poses a world of gross, modern, humanistic, handmade by purpose, of an ephemeral, dangerous and nevertheless well-designed, in the end, unexpected.

  • From 25 november 2019 to 23 february 2020. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday at 10:00 to 20:00.
  • From 25 november 2019 to 23 february 2020. Saturday and sunday at 10:00 to 14:00.

Sala Martínez Guerricabeitia. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Vicerrectorado de Cultura y Deporte de la Universitat de València

Fundació General de la Universitat de València-Col·lecció Martínez Guerricabeitia

Centre Cultural La Nau de la Universitat de València.



Contact cmg.fguv@uv.es

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