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Incentivos para la elaboración de material docente en valenciano e inglés
Incentives for creating academic materials in Valencian and English

The Linguistic Policy Service provides incentives for the linguistic quality of Valencian and English teaching materials and the promotion of their use in the university. Teaching and Researching Personnel (PDI) and research trainees (PIF) of the Universitat who have been assigned to teach in Valencian or English during the current or the following four-month periods will be able to ask for an incentive from 13th February to 1st December 2019. The amount of money assigned to each incentive will be up to €4,000/year per applicant and depends on the linguistic quality and the volume of the material.

More information and application at: www.spluv.es/incentius


Date From 13 february 2019 to 1 december 2019. 24h. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday.


Servei de Política Lingüística, c/ del Serpis, 29, Edifici Beatriu Civera

Organized by

Àrea de Dinamització Lingüística.



Contact spl@uv.es

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