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Open call for the 23rd Mostra Art Públic / Universitat Pública

Open call for the twenty-third edition of the Mostra Art Públic / Universitat Pública. This is an initiative that aims to transform the university scene of the Burjassot Campus in a place of artistic intervention open to society. In order to advise interested persons to submit their proposals, the Mostra’s curator, Alba Braza, will hold a briefing on Wednesday, April 1.

The call is aimed at visual artists, of any nationality or place of residence, without age limit. They can participate individually or collectively. The main purpose is to take part with a site-specific work for the Burjassot Campus that aims to establish a dialogue between art and science, as an exercise and challenge of contemporary culture.


ScheduleFrom 12 march 2020 to 13 july 2020. Every day at 00:00 to 14:00.


Universitat de València

Organized by

SeDi Information and Promotion Service.



Contact artpublic@uv.es

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