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UV Counselling for students is a free service of the Universitat de València formed by the psychological and legal counselling. They are organised by the Information and Promotion Service (Sedi).

What can it do for you?

Legal counselling is useful to know your rights and duties as a citizen before the authorities, as a consumer or as a worker. It can also guide and advise you on legal matters, dispel doubts and give you information about the legal ways of conflict resolution. It also offers support in drafting applications and appeals to the administration, in drawing up private contracts or in filing appeals with the courts not require the intervention of a lawyer.

What can you ask?

  • Civil matters: family situations, divorces, maintenance payment, custody, contractual responsibilities and other civil proceedings.
  • Labor matters: contracts, conflicts, salary claims and dismissals, benefits, rights and duties.
  • Administrative and contentious-administrative claims: grants, academic arrangements (validations, enrolment, etc.), sanctions proceedings, fines, material responsibility of the state.
  • Nationality, residence, work or study permits.
  • Home: rent contracts, rights and duties of tenants and landlords, housing sale, mortgage loans.
  • Benefits and social compensation.
  • Criminal matters: gender violence, victim protection, aggressions, civil rights infringement, criminal proceedings for misdemeanours or felonies.
  • Tax matters: sale taxes, inheritances, donations.
  • Social security registrations or cancellations, IRPF.

Who advises you?

A team of Law professionals.

How does one make use of UV Counselling for students?

The service is completely free for UV students. In order to use it, the interested party is required to book a prior appointment via the following form. The provided data will be handled confidentially.

Request an appointment for UV Counselling for students

You will be contacted by Legal consultancy to arrange an appointment based on the following schedule:

  • Mornings: Monday and Friday, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Evenings: Wednesday, from 4 to 7 p.m.

Consultancies for students are available during the whole year, except for August.

More information

Should you need to make an inquiry or have any doubts regarding the appointment request form, you can contact us at assessories_sedi@uv.es.