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The Valenciaport Chair of Port Economics organises a seminar on the regulation of digital commerce

  • Web and Marketing Unit
  • June 20th, 2023
Seminar Poster

The meeting will be held on 29 June at 5:00pm in the “Beatriu Civera” Research Institutes Building of the University of Valencia and will feature a conference with Martina Francesca Ferracane.

The Italian Martina F. Ferracane is a specialist in public policy and technological innovation. Currently she is the associate researcher and product manager of digital trade estimates at the European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE) . She is also part of the Policy Leader Fellowship at the European University Institute in Florence. Additionally, she acts as a consultant for several institutions, including the United Nations, the World Economic Forum and the World Bank.

Martina is the president and founder of FabLab Western Sicily, a social project that brings innovation and creativity to Sicilian schools through digital manufacturing. She also cofounded a start up, Oral3D, in 2017 that aims to make 3D printing accessible to all dentists. Because of these achievements, Martina F. Ferracane was selected for Forbes 30 Under 30 for Science and Healthcare and is one of the 15 most influential Italian women in the digital sector.

During the seminar, Martina Francesca will give a conference titled ‘Regulating digital commerce: Moving toward decoupling?” in which she will discuss the possibilities and obstacles that the exponential growth of digital trade has created and analyse the main challenges associated with the regulation of new digital technologies in international trade law.

This conference was organised by the Valenciaport Chair of Port Economics of the University of Valencia and the Valencian Port Authority with the aim to harbour knowledge and promote the diffusion of topics related to international trade and their maritime-port implications.

  • Date: 29 June 2023, 5:00pm
  • Location: Research Institutes Building “Beatriu Civera” of the University of Valencia (Carrer del Serpis, 29, 46022 Valencia)
  • Registration is not required