The Family Business Chair of the Universitat of València (CEFUV), created in 2006, promoted by the Valencian Association of Entrepreneurs (AVE), the Institute of Family Business (IEF), the School of Entrepreneurs (EDEM) and the Valencian Institute for the Study of Family Business (IVEFA), and it is currently sponsored by CAIXABANK and BROSETA ABOGADOS.
The chair's mission is "to contribute to improving the competitiveness and durability of family businesses". For this reason, it develops research, transfer and teaching activities on the idiosyncrasy, the particularities and the specific problems of these companies. The collaboration between the driving institutions aims to promote the exchange of experiences, information and knowledge in the field of their activities, the development of joint activities and the organization of meeting spaces between all the actors interested in the management of the family business and business families: academics, professionals, entrepreneurs and students.