institutional and business chairsUniversity of València Logo del portal

The Valencian Local Law Chair, created at the initiative of the Valencian Government through the Regional Council of Governance, was born with the vocation of becoming an academic space in which scholars and those interested in the matter can gather to promote, motivate and develop whichever training, research and spread activities can contribute to the appraisal, awareness, and social projection of Valencian Local Law, both in its historical variant, as in the present legislation, as well as in its possibilities of development.


  • To promote, motivate and develop research lines in Valencian local law.
  • To favour the elaboration of doctoral theses.
  • To organise regulated teaching activities.
  • To promote, develop and collaborate in doctoral, Master’s Degree and exchange programmes courses between teachers and researchers in the mater.
  • To carry out monographic seminars, conferences, workdays, roundtables and master courses.
  • To advise in the matter that is object of its specific area of knowledge.
  • To establish cooperation and to carry out of agreements with other institutions and public and private bodies related with the Local Law.
  • To promote reflection on the contents of the Local Law.
  • To create a complete bibliography of the studies on the matter.
  • To publish and spread the results obtained in the Local Law Chair in the website of the Universitat de València, creating a unique portal for the Valencian local and civil law.

And, in general, to promote, motivate and develop whichever activities can contribute to the spread, awareness and social projection of the Valencian Local Law.



Director: Dr. Francisco Javier Palao Gil