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CONFERÈNCIA: “El hombre y la tierra [Man and the Earth, Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente, 1974-1981], and the construction of the environment in 1970s Spain” de Carlos Tabernero

  • 4 de novembre de 2020
The man and the Earth

CICLE: Science and documentaries in the Twentieth century

Presentació del cicle: Science and documentaries in the Twentieth century


Data: 4 novembre de 2020 a les 18 hores



Aquest cicle està format per tres conferències asincròniques que estaran a l’abast de totes les persones interessades durant la primera setmana de novembre a la pàgina www.uv.es/ihmc. Les conferències podran ser consultades junt als documentals esmentats per part dels conferenciants que participaran conjuntament a una taula rodona el dia 25 de novembre de 2020 a les 18 hores.


“El hombre y la tierra [Man and the Earth, Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente, 1974-1981], and the construction of the environment in 1970s Spain” de Carlos Tabernero

ENLLAÇ a la conferència (VIDEO): https://cutt.ly/WgSN9Sm


This seminar will offer a historical reading of the acclaimed TV series El Hombre y la Tierra (Man and the Earth, 1974-1981), produced and directed by Felix Rodríguez de la Fuente (1928-1980), a pioneering and highly influential naturalist, activist and natural history author and broadcaster, in the complex socio-political scene of the late Franco’s dictatorship and the changeover to the democratic administration. We will examine how, in this series, Rodríguez de la Fuente blended his very particular narratives about local wildlife with the depiction of scientific and media practices, all within a quite complex cross-platform storytelling strategy in which television was pivotal. It will also focus on how he played these narrative and technical elements together to create a quite successful feedback loop to actively engage audiences in naturalist-like practices in their everyday-life endeavors.

Situated in such a noticeably changing context regarding politics, science, media, and the perception of the environment, this case study will allow us to discuss historically how Rodríguez de la Fuente’s natural history narratives addressed the establishment’s concerns and strategies regarding the long-sought and promised modernization of Spain. Man and the Earth, while featuring the natural sciences as both focal point and main source of knowledge, arguably became a keystone of intensely negotiated strategies of transformation, both in television and society. By contextualizing this series in its specific social, political and cultural setting, as well as within a larger framework of science popularization, this seminar will thus contribute to the understanding of key features of contemporary, media-driven science communication.




Carlos Tabernero Holgado

És professor d’història de la ciència al Centre d’Història de la Ciència (CEHIC) de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). La seua recerca i docència s’han centrat en els mitjans de comunicació (sobretot cinema i televisió) i en els processos de popularització i comunicació de la ciència al segle XX. El 2016 es publicava el seu llibre Terapias de cine (UOC)