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"In the centenary of the Armistice: Health, Medicine and Humanitarianism during WWI (1914-1918) and its aftermath".

21 novembre 2018: Leo Van Bergen. Modera: Àlvar Martínez-Vidal.

"Chemical weapons: treatment of the injured and humanitarian challenges".

28 novembre 2018: Valérie Gorin. Modera: Xavier García Ferrandis.

"Visual representations of the medical and humanitarian assistance to the wounded and to the invalids".

12 desembre 2018: Fiona Reid. Modera: Josep Lluís Barona.
"Modern medicine and old-fashioned drink and drugs: coping with wounds, disease and trauma on the Western Front".

19 desembre 2018: Iris Borowy. Modera: Josep Lluís Barona.
“From disaster to cooperation: the paradoxical role of World War I in international public health".