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  • Autors: Ricard Martínez Martínez
  • (2020).
  • Tipus de publicació: Article
  • URL Publicacio: Los tratamientos de datos personales en la crisis del COVID-19. Un enfoque desde la salud pública
  • Titol publicació (nom del llibre o de la revista): Diario La Ley.
  • Resum:

    The COVID-19 crisis confronts us with a process of accelerated clinical research that has raised doubts about the possibility of processing citizens' personal data. This paper tries to prove that the limitation of the fundamental right to data protection for the processing of personal data, health data and location data for epidemiological purposes would be based on the protection of vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person (art. 6. 2.c) RGPD, in a duty of cooperation of the operators based on public safety, and in the competence of the authorities under Article 3 of Organic Law 3/1986 of 14 April 1986 on Special Public Health Measures to "adopt appropriate measures for the control of patients".