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AECIAT brings a new comprehensive and contextualised approach to the Ainu collections in the UK.The UK has thesecond largest collections in Europe,12.75% of the total, comprised of 864 items (in at least 8 museums). AECIAT adopts an innovative transcultural and interdisciplinary perspective for the study of these collections,seeking to interrogate images in relation artefacts and written texts.The general goal is to contextualise images and provide a more accurate and updated interpretations and examine how they are related to other artefacts and written texts in the collections.


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The specific goals are: First, tracing the origin and international circulation of this material. Second, proposing more accurate categorisations (some of the images catalogued as “Ainu” at the British Museum are in fact are not Ainu). Third, examining what these study objects inform us about the Ainu culture as well as what they hide (their cultural, social spiritual meaning, process of cultural assimilation, miscegenation, hybridity and modernisation). Fourth, contextualising the images in the moment in which they were produced and purchased, examining what they inform and hide about social environment of the time. Sixth, casting light into how the Ainu imaginary was, to a great extent, created from outside. Seventh, providing theoretical and epistemological keys to rethink new strategies of cultural promotion of minorities today.

Principal investigators:
  • Centeno Martin, Marcos Pablo
  • PDI-Prof. Permanent Laboral Ppl
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Start date
2024 July
End date
2024 December
Funding agencies:

Ministry of Universities