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AECIAT brings a new comprehensive and contextualised approach to the Ainu collections in the UK.The UK has thesecond largest collections in Europe,12.75% of the total, comprised of 864 items (in at least 8 museums). AECIAT adopts an innovative transcultural and interdisciplinary perspective for the study of these collections,seeking to interrogate images in relation artefacts and written texts.The general goal is to contextualise images and provide a more accurate and updated interpretations and examine how they are related to other artefacts and written texts in the collections.
In these sessions we analyse the growing importance that articles published in research journals have acquired, with the intention of reaching interesting conclusions within what this trend implies in the fields of culture, arts, education and the pedagogical use of these publications specialised in art and education. The meeting will allow us to bring together in Valencia those responsible for prestigious journals in the field of academic publications. There is an explosion of publications, while we see how existing ones are positioned and new titles are created. We need academic meetings like this so that people who do research have face-to-face meetings that encourage reflection and dialogue. They are designed for those people who, both from a professional perspective and from an educational practice, may be interested in analysing the situation and managing future proposals in the field of article publication, the projection of monographs, the specialisation of teams, and everything related to the publishing world and the uses and practices that we carry out, especially in the fields of arts, education and artistic education. We analyze the novelties and new research approaches that these journals offer.
TRADIASIA (Transculturality and Diversity in East Asia) seeks to challenge Eurocentric approaches in higher education by expanding the current offering of East Asian Studies at the UV, betting on decolonizing the curriculum through critical theories and postcolonial studies focused on this region, promoting new ways of thinking about the world from the societies and cultures of East Asia. Tradiasia traces the complexity of East Asian cultures and histories, proposing new approaches that examine their diversity and cross-cultural elements. It aims to examine interactions in the region that go beyond national borders.
The COMETA educational innovation project aims to promote the acquisition of professional teaching skills with the use of active methodologies in the initial training of teachers. It is designed to bring the training that students receive at the university closer to the real demands of the educational system, society and the labor market, promoting collaboration with other educational-cultural and social entities.
The line of research is to continuously use procedures to think reflectively and creatively and turn them into a way of facing diverse situations, a culture of thought in action. Committing to transdisciplinary research (frameworks, tools and strategies) promoting civic engagement with the aim of empowering future education professionals.
This project aims to develop a multimedia notebook in digital format with useful information on qualitative research techniques, focusing on in-depth interviews and documentary research. Qualitative methodology is part of the research processes in the knowledge society, since contemporary problems require incorporating the qualitative perspective to deepen the understanding and interpretation of complex social phenomena.
Second Round is a consolidated innovation project (linked to the Consolidated Group GCID23_2584190) focused on promoting artistic education in the world of Secondary Education. During the 2023-2024 academic year we want to continue with the “Second Round: Art and Struggle in Secondary” Project, after 8 consecutive editions, focusing on museums as allied institutions, promoting alliances with inclusive and sustainable museums.
One of the main objectives of the small luthiers is to provide students and teachers with creative autonomy, involving them in processes of contemporary artistic creation. On the one hand, the construction of the tools within a DIY philosophy will bring us closer to a craft concept that will reinforce the idea of an authentic artistic work that fights against the vision of precooked solutions as a recipe that ends up homogenizing learning and nullifying the true value artistic thought.
The line of research is to continuously use procedures to think reflectively and creatively and turn them into a way of dealing with diverse situations, a culture of thought in action. Betting on transdisciplinary research (frameworks, tools and strategies) promoting civic engagement with the aim of empowering future education professionals.