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TRADIASIA (Transculturality and Diversity in East Asia) seeks to challenge Eurocentric approaches in higher education by expanding the current offering of East Asian Studies at the UV, betting on decolonizing the curriculum through critical theories and postcolonial studies focused on this region, promoting new ways of thinking about the world from the societies and cultures of East Asia. Tradiasia traces the complexity of East Asian cultures and histories, proposing new approaches that examine their diversity and cross-cultural elements. It aims to examine interactions in the region that go beyond national borders.
This project recognizes the relevance and need to value and promote creative thinking in adolescents. We propose a boost in the creative level of our adolescent students who attend secondary school, incorporating for this a highly relevant resource such as museums, powerful informal education environments that can help us improve the secondary educational scenario, generating synergies with educational centers. For this we propose to promote the encounter with the educational potential that museums offer us, activating mediation efforts between secondary schools and museums. Facing and approaching the challenge in advance will help to better understand the situation, emphasize the strengths that our students have and detect the points that can be improved around creative thinking.