The director of the department is elected by the departmental council and appointed by the rector.
The competences of the department director are as follows:
- To represent the department.
- To direct, with the assistance of the permanent board, the day-to-day management of the department.
- To coordinate and supervise the teaching, administration and services of the department, executing and enforcing the agreements of the council and, where appropriate, of the permanent board.
- To convene the Council when it deems it appropriate and, in any case, when requested to do so by at least 20% of its members.
- To represent the Universitat de València, by express delegation of the rector, in any kind of legal acts that affect the activities of the department.
In general, all those competences derived from article 22 of the Statutes of the Universitat de València, except those expressly reserved to the council or, where appropriate, to the permanent board.
Adolfo Carratalá Simón
Silvia Guillamón Carrasco