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It is not possible to understand a Master’s Degree in Business Strategy that it is not strongly linked in the practical world. Therefore, we work closely with professionals and high level researchers in the area of strategy.


Linking with professional world

The Master’s Degree has a close connection with the business world in the following areas:

  • Participation of professionals in the teaching management of the Master’s Degree
  • Advise by professionals and businesspersons in the choice of topics for the Master’s Degrees Final Projects.
  • Development of a Think Tank on business strategy which can be helpful for scholars, researchers and professionals.
  • Setting of a volunteering programme of professional work placements on busines strategy.
  • Development of sessions on interaction between professors, students and professionals.


Volunteer Work Placements Programme

The Master’s Degree has set a series of agreements with companies and consultants for developing volunteer work placements of 600 hours, formalised through ADEIT, in topics related to business strategy.

The advantages of this volunteer programme are:

  • The programme doesn’t involve any cost for students
  • The participating companies may offer to those students whose profile is more interesting the possibility to increase their options for future recruitments.
  • Allows the setting of an appropriate duration for a work placement based on problems of business strategy nature.