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  • 16610: Be able to solve complex chemistry problems, whether in the academic, research or industrial application areas at a specialization or masters-level.
  • 16670: Possess the necessary skills to develop multidisciplinary activities within the field of chemistry at the master's level.
  • 16671: Fomentar, en contextos académicos y profesionales del ámbito de la política económica, ?el avance tecnológico, social o cultural dentro de una sociedad basada en el conocimiento y en el respeto a: a) los derechos fundamentales y de igualdad de oportunidades entre hombres y mujeres, b) los principios de igualdad de oportunidades y accesibilidad universal de las personas con discapacidad y c) los valores propios de una cultura de paz y valores democrático.
  • 10015: Students should possess and understand foundational knowledge that enables original thinking and research in the field.
  • 9759: Students should apply acquired knowledge to solve problems in unfamiliar contexts within their field of study, including multidisciplinary scenarios.
  • 9760: Students should be able to integrate knowledge and address the complexity of making informed judgments based on incomplete or limited information, including reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities associated with the application of their knowledge and judgments.
  • 9761: Students should communicate conclusions and underlying knowledge clearly and unambiguously to both specialized and non-specialized audiences.
  • 9762: Students should demonstrate self-directed learning skills for continued academic growth.
  • 19373: Have detailed knowledge of the sources of legislation related to the chemical industry.
  • 19372: Make decisions aimed at improving the well-being of individuals and society, in accordance with the ethical considerations for the practice of pure and applied chemistry set up by official associations and societies of chemists.
  • 19371: Be able to present and defend publicly the results obtained in scientific research or as a result of work in a chemical industry.
  • 19314: Be able to conduct any type of research in the field of chemistry and/or the chemical industry, as a specialist.
  • 19313: Apply the advanced theoretical and practical knowledge gained in the different specialties of chemistry to R&D and innovation.
  • 19312: Widen and deepen understanding of spectroscopy, NMR and MS and their applications to solve problems of industrial interest.
  • 19311: Gain skills and knowledge in different advanced characterisation techniques for selecting the most suitable techniques, according to chemical criteria, for the characterisation of inorganic solids at an industrial level.
  • 19310: Gain skills and knowledge in the chemical-physical processes of interest that can contribute to the development of technological processes of industrial interest.
  • 19164: Gain skills and knowledge in advanced analytical techniques that can contribute to the economic and social development of the environment.
  • 19163: Be able to design, conduct, analyse and interpret complex experiments and data, as a specialist.
  • 19162: Be able to defend positions in debates and colloquia in a rigorous and reasoned manner.
  • 19161: Gain experience in the use of information tools and in the management of the information obtained.
  • 19160: Have the ability to plan and to manage time and resources and gain experience in decision-making.
  • 19159: Possess the ability to plan and manage time and resources and gain experience in decision-making.
  • 19314: Be able to conduct any type of research in the field of chemistry and/or the chemical industry, as a specialist.
  • 19163: Be able to design, conduct, analyse and interpret complex experiments and data, as a specialist.
  • 10015: Students should possess and understand foundational knowledge that enables original thinking and research in the field.