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Integra les dimensions econòmica, política i social en l'anàlisi dels desafiaments econòmics del nostre temps


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Formem especialistes en política econòmica i economia pública

Interpreta les possibilitats de transformació de l'economia actual


  • consecuencias ausencia de gobierno

    Economic consequences of the lack of a new government

    7 september 2016

    The caretaker government has limited powers due to an unclear legislation. In view of this situation, the major concern focuses in the economic field where the fears can have an impact in investment, employment and Spanish GDP growth.

  • 4 keys for a sustainable economic model

    5 july 2016

    The challenges that societies must face are configured by the current social and environmental context. The change towards a sustainable strategic model can solve these problems and mitigate its consequences.

  • The responsibility of the economy private area in the society

    1 july 2016

    One of the main objectives of private companies is the economic benefit of their activity. In the last years private companies are adapting their values and assuming a social responsibility in order to give the business consideration for citizens and environment.

  • gasto público estudios superiores

    Which is the public spending of OECD countries in higher education?

    20 june 2016

    The funding of higher studies is handled by the States, by students or by private entities. The percentages of each part vary greatly among the different countries of the OECD. Public investment is decisive to ensure equal opportunities and the access to higher education for all citizens.

  • El salario mínimo de México, por debajo de los índices mínimos de bienestar

    The minimum wage of Mexico, under the basic prosperity index

    9 june 2016

    The purchasing power of Mexicans has considerably decreased for the last few years. The minimum wage is much lower than the levels recommended to cover basic expenses, something that limits the life quality of the citizens and increases inequalities. 

  • El rol de los economistas y su importancia en el proceso de aplicación de políticas económicas

    The role of economists and their significance in the implementation process of economic policies

    7 june 2016

    The role of economists is decisive for the correct and effective implementation of the economic policies addressed to fulfil objectives for the social improvement.

  • conflictividad laboral en españa

    Radiograph of Labour Conflict in Spain: The Number of Strikes Descends

    3 june 2016

    The calling of strikes and the number of workers that support them is decreasing just as the tendency of the last decades show. Exercising this right continues being a resource for the workers collective of fields such as the public or service sectors.

  • Cómo ha afectado la austeridad económica a España

    Com ha afectat l'austeritat econòmica a Espanya?

    18 may 2016

    Diversos estudis crítics amb les mesures d'austeritat analitzen els efectes negatius que ha tingut la seua aplicació a Espanya des de l'inici de la crisi

  • medidas corrupción

    5 mesures per a acabar amb la corrupció

    13 april 2016

    El problema de la corrupció ha estat present en totes les economies, des dels països en desenvolupament fins als més rics. Les solucions es poden trobar aconseguint una major transparència en les institucions.

  • innovacion inclusion social

    La inversión en innovación favorece el desarrollo inclusivo

    4 march 2016

    Las sociedades que fomentan la investigación y la innovación en diferentes disciplinas son capaces de generar valor humano y económico que se reinvierte en el conjunto de la sociedad en favor de la inclusión de los sectores más desfavorecidos.