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The University of Valencia becomes a full member of the EFMD

  • July 13th, 2016
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The Annual General Assembly of the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) has ratified the University of Valencia as its newest member from 2016 onwards.

The University of Valencia - to be more specific, the Faculty of Economics - adds another accolade to its ever-growing resume. Our institution is now an official Full Member of the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), as well as a member of the EFMD Global Network (EFMD-GN).

In the Annual General Assembly of the EFMD, held this year in Rome on June 13, the University of Valencia received its ratification as a New Full Member, after receiving a confirmation of approval by the EFMD Membership Review Committee back in December.

The Faculty of Economics is the second public institution in Spain to receive this distinction (after the Barcelona School of Management, Pompeu Fabra University), and the first one that offers all three levels of academic education (undergraduate, Master’s Degrees and Ph.D.).

The European Foundation for Management Development is an international, not-for-profit organization based in Brussels (Belgium). Recognised as a global accreditation body of quality in management education, it represents a unique forum on the exploration of research, networking, debate and innovation in the field of management development. It boasts over 800 members (including academic institutions, businesses, public services or consultancy) in 84 countries.

Other members of the EFMD include our fellow partners of the International Business School Alliance: University of Hertfordshire, Novancia Business School Paris, Institute of Business Studies Moscow (RANEPA) and University Tun Abdul Razak (UNIRAZAK).

At the same time, the University of Valencia has also become a member of the EFMD Global Network, an association created in 2012 to further promote the EFMD’s role as a central player in the shaping of international approaches to management development. Its services include conferences, seminars and networking events around the world.


The Faculty of Economics was recently rated as ‘the best in Spain’ in the field of Business Administration, Economics and Law by job recruiters, based on their employees’ knowledge and performance in the company. The UV is positioned very favourably on several prestigious Global and European rankings.