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Course Diagram & Specialization

Graduates will obtain a Dual Master Degree: one degree will be awarded by the university where students completed their core modules (first semester), and another one by the university where they specialized and finished their Master Thesis (second and third semesters).

The University of Valencia offers the specialization in International Marketing. Therefore, if you are interested in the specialization in International Marketing, you need to start this IBSA program at other IBSA partners’ universities (see IBSA contacts). Students who decide to start the first semester at the University of Valencia will undertake their core business courses in Valencia. Then, for the second semester, IBSA partners offer different specializations as explained below.

Master Structure

Fall semester:

Students study core business courses in the following topic areas: Global Marketing Strategies, Human Resource Management in the Global Environment, International Finance, and Global Strategic Analysis as well as two elective courses that vary by country. At the Universitat de València, for instance, the elective courses are International Business Law and Management in the Global Environment.

Spring semester:

Students should study in a different country from where they completed their core courses in the first semester. Each country has a different specialization. For the academic year 2019-20 as follows:

  • Universitat de València (Valencia, Spain): International Marketing
  • Bremen University of Applied Sciences (Bremen, Germany): International Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • University of North Carolina (Wilmington, USA): International Finance and Investments
  • ESSCA School of Management Paris, France (París, França): International and Sustainable Management

If you wish to study at the University of Valencia, you have two options depending on your specialization preference.

  • First semester in Valencia: Students study the core business courses in Valencia during the first semester and then complete their specialisation during the second semester at one of the partner institutions in either Bremen, Paris, Wilmington, or Hatfield. Each school offers a different area of specialization. Students who wish to study in Valencia during the first semester should take note of specific deadline for pre-registration (see admission requirements).
  • Second semester in Valencia: If you would like to study the specialization in International Marketing – offered by the University of Valencia – you must study the core modules for the first semester at one of the other IBSA university members (in Bremen, Paris, Wilmington or Hatfield).


Master Thesis:

Students must present a supervised Master Thesis in their specialization. The 30-credit MT must focus on a chosen topic of their specialization that shows relevance, rigor and uniqueness for the business context.