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Training with the ADBB Scale

The ADBB Scale (Alarme Détresse Bébé) is a guide of systematic observation of the baby which is used to detect early the indicators of withdrawal behaviour in babies between the ages of two to 24 months.

24 january 2017

Under the heading “Early detection of indicators of withdrawal behaviour in early childhood”, the intensive training courses in the ADBB Scale will be carried out in Alicante, Barcelona and Madrid. The purpose is to enable and empower professionals to apply the ADBB scale in both practices and research.

The ADBB Scale is a simple tool, handy and easy to apply. This one is applied during the paediatric office visit of control or in any situation in which the baby is exposed to certain stimulation levels. Moreover, it is very accessible after realising a short training like these courses.

The author of the ADBB scale, Antoine Guedeney, is the head of the Child Psychiatry department of the Hospital Claude Bernard in Paris and the Head of the Psychiatry Department of the Xavier Bichat Faculty. Guedeney was also the president of the World Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH).

The ADBB Scale is used by health teams in countries such as France, Portugal, Australia, Brazil or Norway, among others. In Spain, on the contrary, the scale has not been validated yet. Despite this, it has a transcultural validity, because it is validated in Spanish speaking countries such as Argentina, therefore its use in research is allowed since 2001.

Where will the training in ADBB Scale be carried out?

  • Alicante: from 1 to 5 February

Place: iSana Policlínica. Calle Deportista Juan Matos, nº 4

  • Barcelona: From 8 to 12 February

Place: Casa d’Espiritualitat Sant Felip Neri. Calle Nena Casas, nº 37 

  • Madrid: From 14 to 18 February

Place: Hospital Infantil Niño Jesús. Salón de Actos. Avenida Menéndez Pelayo, nº 65

This intensive training in the use of the ADBB Scale is addressed to professionals of physical and mental health who work or are in contact with young children and their families, to educators and also to students with an advanced knowledge in this field.

Nahir Bonifacino will be in charge of training. Bonifacino is a Psychologist, Psychoanalyst and Associate Member of the Psychoanalytic Association of Uruguay (APU). Furthermore, she is an official trainer of the ADBB scale in Spanish language.

The training in the ADBB scale will consist of 15 hours of clinical practices with a total cost of 300€.

You can sign up now via email

For further information visit the ASMI website