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For students who wish to pursue the Master’s degree part-time the implementation will be progressive:

First Academic Year
1. Term: Advanced training: 30 ECTS
  • Module I: Perinatal Psychology and Psychopathology: Pregnancy and birth. (12 ECTS)
  • Module II: Child Psychopathology and somatic diseases. (8 ECTS)
  • Module III: Perinatal and Parental Psychopathology. (10 ECTS)

During the first academic year part-time students should take at least 30 ECTS of the first term.
If attending more than 30 ECTS an enrolment expansion is required.
During the first year students must complete the evaluation process by developing papers and giving oral presentations belonging to the first term and compulsory activities raised in class as well as module tests.

Second Academic Year

2. Term: Advanced and specialised training: 30 ECTS.

  • Module IV: Perinatal Psychology and Psychopathology: birth II and child development. (10 ECTS)
  • Module V: Child Psychopathology and somatic diseases II (12 ECTS)
  • Module VI: Child mental health promotion at school. (8 ECTS)

During the second year part-time students attending a minimum of 30 ECTS in the 2nd term.
During the 2nd year students must complete the evaluation process by developing papers and giving oral presentations belonging to the 2nd semester and compulsory activities raised in class as well as module tests.

Third Academic Year

1. Term: Advanced and specialised training: 18 ECTS.

  • Module VII: Mental health in the development of the baby to teenager. (5 ECTS)
  • Work Placements. (13 ECTS)

As in the case of full-time students, the placements may take place after the 6th module, but its evaluation will take place after the positive conclusion of module 7.
During the 3rd year (1st term) students will attend and evaluate the module 7.Placements may extend along the 1st and 2nd term of the 3rd year.

Fourth Academic Year

1. Term: Advanced and specialised training: 12 ECTS.

  • Work Placements. (6 ECTS)
  • Master’s Degree Final Project. (6 ECTS)

During the fourth academic year (first term) part-time students can complete the work placements and should carry out the Master's degree final project.
The specific proposals that a student wishes to take part-time studies will be studied and answered by the Academic Committee.