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3113  Business management

Research line 1

Strategy, competitiveness, and performance

The line studies the relationship between different strategies and business performance. Success factors, competitive and corporate strategies and cooperative enterprise are also studied. The main focus of this research line is competitiveness and its determining factors. The relationship between different strategies and business performance is studied. It includes various aspects such as competitive and corporate strategies, business success factors, organizational performance and value creation, competitiveness and intangible assets, innovation management, corporate sustainability and the study of competitiveness in different types of organizational models such as international companies, family companies and cooperative and social economy companies

Researchers ascribed to research line 1:

  • Camisón Zornoza, César
  • Campos Climent, Vanessa
  • Cruz Ros, Sonia
  • González Cruz, Tomás
  • Guillen Parra, Manuel
  • Martínez Fuentes, Clara
  • Mohedano Suanes, Antonia
  • Sanchis Palacio, Joan Ramon



Researchers ascribed to Research Line 4:


                - Alegre Vidal, Joaquín

                - Balbastre Benavent, Francisco

                - Canet Giner, Teresa

                - Escribá Moreno, María Ángeles

                - Fernández Mesa, Ana Isabel

                - Ferreras Méndez, José Luis

                - García Granero, Ana

                - Llopis Córcoles, Óscar

                - Lloria Aramburo, Begoña

                - Moreno Luzón, María

                - Olmos Peñuela, Julia

                - Oltra Comorera, Víctor

                - Redondo Cano, Ana

                - Revuelto Taboada, Lorenzo


Research line 5

Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Social Responsibility

The line studies the processes of business creation and the tools and methodologies of diagnosis and technological auditing. The creation of companies, gazelle companies and the born-global are also the object of study. Technology-based companies, industrial districts, location, turnaround strategies and social responsibility policies are also integrated into this line of research, which has three differentiated sub-lines:

- Entrepreneurship and business creation. It analyses aspects such as the detection of opportunities and the individual characteristics of the entrepreneur and the entrepreneurial intention. It includes research on different segments of entrepreneurs such as those from developed countries, emerging countries, immigrant entrepreneurs and gender in entrepreneurial activities. Entrepreneurship in SMEs, large corporations and social entrepreneurship is analysed. Likewise, the impact of digital transformation on entrepreneurship is studied.

- Innovation and technology-based companies. Analyses technology management strategies in companies and the relationship between innovation and business competitiveness.

- Clustering, local networks and location modes. It focuses on the analysis of companies located in industrial clusters. The performance of these companies - survival, growth and competitiveness -, their strategies - innovation, market orientation and internationalization - and their location strategies are analysed

Researchers ascribed to Research Line 5:

                - Benavides Espinosa, Mar

                - Dasí Rodríguez, Sonia

                - Garzón Benitez, Dolores

                - March Chordà, Isidre

                - Mas Tur, Alicia

                - Puig Blanco, Francisco

                - Ribeiro Soriano, Domingo

                - Roig Dobón, Salvador



Quality, Innovation and Human Resources Practices: It focuses on analysing how HR practices facilitate learning and promote innovative behaviour of employees. It also studies the synergies between advanced models of quality and sustainability, HR practices and the behaviour of workers and managers.


Quality Management, Innovation and Learning: It focuses on the analysis and measurement of the impact of the application of quality management systems on the organizational variables analysed: formalization, organizational culture, innovation, learning and ambidexterity capacity.


Research line 2

Internationalisation: strategic opinions and human resources

This research line covers the internationalization of the firm from a broad perspective: SMEs and multinational, manufacturing and service companies. The influence of globalization and territory, as well as the theoretical foundations of strategic management are present in the research as a generic frame of reference.

The research line is made up of different sub-lines that include specific aspects of the international management of the company:

- International competitiveness of SMEs. It studies essential aspects of strategic management that drive the internationalization of SMEs in their strategic context. Includes applications to traditional manufacturing sectors and industrial clusters. It also considers the relationship between digital transformation, new business models and the internationalization of companies.

- Globalization, ethics and social responsibility. Study of globalization at different levels and its drivers. Analysis of the mechanisms developed by supranational institutions, sectoral organizations, non-governmental organizations and companies to anticipate, avoid and sanction the downside of globalization on people and the environment.

- Operation modes, internationalization process and international strategy. The study of the different foreign operation modes and the factors that influence their selection, combination and change. The internationalization process from a dynamic perspective. The digital transformation and its impact on the management of the different activities of the value chain, both in the relationship with suppliers and collaborating companies and in the relationship with customers.

- Organizational variables, strategic approaches and subsidiary roles. The study of the most classic organizational structures and the new organizational models of the international company, as well as the organizational processes that flow throughout the structure and that favour the international strategy to be implemented according to the guidelines of the headquarters. Foreign subsidiary roles, embeddedness and development.

- Expatriation and Cross-Cultural Management. Study of culture and its implications for the management of international companies. The dimensions that characterize the cultural differences between countries and their measures. Analysis of the specific peculiarities of the human resources management process in international companies. New forms of expatriation and international assignments. Virtual and intercultural work teams. International negotiation.

Researchers ascribed to Research Line 2:

                - Camps Torres, Joaquín

                - Dasí Coscollar, Àngels

                - León Darder, Fidel

                - Pla Barber, José

                - Sánchez Peinado, Esther

                - Villar García, Cristina


Research line 3.

Top management teams: Skills and organizational change.

This line of research studies the influence of the characteristics of the human team and corporate governance on company performance and organizational change. It includes aspects such as the study of the Top Management Team, high performance practices, ethics and social responsibility, corporate governance. The line of research includes two sub-lines:

- Top management teams, business strategy and corporate governance. It studies the characteristics, structure, processes and incentive systems of the management bodies of companies, and in their relationship with the strategies they use, as well as with the results of the organizations. The team specializes in competitive and corporate strategy, and in the approaches of senior management teams (Upper Echelons), Corporate Governance, and sustainable competitiveness. Among other aspects, the strategy watch and competitive positioning, strategic orientation of organizations, internationalization strategies, diversification strategies, entry modes, mergers and acquisitions, strategic alliances, etc. are analysed. In relation to the management teams and governing bodies, the composition of the teams, the diversity, the structure of power and participation, the distribution of functions both hierarchically and horizontally, the interaction processes, cognitive conflict and affective values, shared values, incentive systems, as well as the demographic and psycho-sociological characteristics of specific members of the management, etc.

- Organizational change. This sub-line of research analyses organizational change management processes in companies and organizations. It studies aspects such as change modes, the facilitators, methods and results of change, and resistance to change

Researchers ascribed to Research Line 3:

- Dolz Dolz, Consuelo

                - Escribá Esteve, Alejandro

                - Iborra Juan, María

                - Pardo del Val, Manuela

                - Safón Cano, Vicente

                - Salas Vallina, Andrés

                - Sánchez Peinado, Luz

                - Saorín Iborra, María del Carmen


Research line 4

Organizational Learning and Quality.

The general objective of this line is to analyse whether organizational learning and quality management can serve as a driving force for innovation, and what role human resource practices play in these relationships.


This line of research is made up of three sub-lines:


Organizational Learning and Innovation: It focuses on studying the innovative company by investigating the organizational processes behind a new product, a new service or a new technological development.