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“¿Qué sabemos de los impuestos? Desmontando mitos y leyendas urbanas” (What do we know about taxes? Dismantling myths and urban legends)

Conference of the programme “Universitat i Societat” (University and Society) in Paterna, given by Professor Pura Peris García.

The Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Society continues the cycle of conferences of the “Universitat i Societat” in Paterna. Open to the general public.

This cycle intends to complement the educational offer of Unisocietat.

The “Universitat i Societat” programme arises from the commitment of the Paterna City Council, with the support of the Universitat de València, for life-long education. It is aimed at people 30 years of age or older, residents of the municipality and the region of the Horta Oest, who have a concern for learning and motivation for culture.


Date 28 november 2019 at 19:00 to 20:30. Thursday.


Teatro Capri

Organized by

Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Society in collaboration with the City Council of Paterna, Caixa Popular and the Diputació de Valencia (Provincial Council of Valencia).




Contact unitatsuport@uv.es

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