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1st edition of the Autumn University of Buñol.

The UV presents the first edition of the Autumn University of Buñol that is based on a close collaboration among the Universitat de València and the City Council of Buñol and funded by the County Council of València.

The first edition of the Autumn University of Buñol represents a meeting point among teachers, students, professors and citizens of the locality and their immediate surroundings throughout two days of afternoon. ‘Buñol, the cultural heritage’ is a free initiative and open to the general public which has the participation of specialists in cultural heritage of the Universitat de València and other areas of society.

The UV and the County Council of València, true to its commitment to the territory and the local Valencian society, drives this academic action, linked to the formation, investigation and transfer of knowledge, which aims to consolidate in the city of Buñol and in its region.


ScheduleFrom 15 november 2017 to 16 november 2017. Wednesday and thursday at 18:00 to 20:30.


Molino Galán (C/ de Pelayo, 12)

Organized by

Vicerrectorado de Participación y Proyección Territorial

Diputación de Valencia.



Contact unitatsuport@uv.es

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