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La Vegatilla
Exhibition: Democratic Memory and Heritage. 1936-1939

Democratic Memory and Heritage. 1936-1939. Knowing, disseminating and placing value. This showing is developed on 17 boards and compiles the historical, documentary, military and oral heritage that is a consequence of the Spanish Civil War, between 1936 and 1939, at the Valencian territory.

Opening hours:

9 a.m to 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. from Monday to Friday


ScheduleFrom 5 april 2018 to 20 april 2018. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday at 09:00 to 21:00.


Centro Sociocultural L'Eliana

Organized by

La Universitat de València a través del Vicerectorat de Participació i Projecció Territorial de la Universitat de València, con la colaboración del ayuntamiento de L'Eliana y Caixa Popular..



Contact unitatsuport@uv.es

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