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Opening of the exhibition 'The Ignonimy of Forget' (Guadassuar)

The Service of Publication of the Universitat de València in collaboration with the Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial

Projection and Participation has the pleasure to present

‘La ignominia de l’oblit. Els valencians de La Ribera als camps d’extermini nazis’ (‘The Ignominy of Forget. Valencians from La Ribera in the Nazi Extermination Camps’) by Ximo Vidal and Carles Senso

The drama of the Valencians deported to the Nazi concentration camps is already known, but in this study it is carried out from a more concrete perspective, both from the territorial point of view (centered in the Ribera region), as vital, that is to say , of the lived experience (that has been collected thanks to the different biographies).

The exhibition will remain in the IES of Guadassuar from 11 to 26 April and will be open to the general public. In addition, attendees who decide to approach the IES on the 18th, will be able to enjoy a tribute to the Guadassuar people who were sent to the concentration camps.


Date From 11 april 2018 to 26 april 2018. 24h. Every day.


IES Guadassuar (Calle de Carlet, 17)

Organized by

Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universitat de València (PUV)

Vicerrectorado de Participación y Proyección Territorial.

http://projeccio.uv.es/ i http://puv.uv.es/


Contact unitatsuport@uv.es

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