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Práctica del ejercio físico. Foto: Lau Martínez
Valencian Territory, runner Territory - Paterna


The Universitat de València, through the Office of the Vice-principal for Participation and Territorial Projection, in collaboration with the Directorate General of Sports of the Generalitat Valenciana and Caja Popular, is presenting the exhibition "Valencian Territory, runner territory", which demonstrates the growing social and cultural importance of this phenomenon, based on the contributions of some 40 researchers from the University and other specialists in the field.

The Valencian territory has the highest rate of popular athletics practice in Spain. In this pioneering multidisciplinary and multi-faceted exhibition on the enormous importance of running in Valencian society, aspects that reach a wide variety of topics are analysed, among which we can find the following: health, physiology, quality of life, nutrition, injury prevention, psychology, biomechanics, physical preparation, doping, sponsorship, modalities, etc.


ScheduleFrom 24 september 2018 to 28 september 2018. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday at 18:00 to 21:00.


Auditorio Antonio Cabeza, Paterna. Av. Vicent Mortes Alfonso, 7

Organized by

Universitat de València en colaboración con la Dirección General de Deporte de la Generalitat Valenciana, Caixa Popular y el Ayuntamiento de Paterna.


Contact unitatsuport@uv.es

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