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Requena hosts the Universitat de València exhibition 'Territori valencià, territori runner'

  • Office of the Vice-Principal Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life
  • April 10th, 2019
Image de la noticia

This travelling exhibition, which highlights the social, economic and cultural importance of running in the Valencian Community, was presented on Wednesday 10 April at the Requena Municipal Museum. The exhibition will remain open to the public until 5 May. Nearly 40 researchers from the Universitat de València are taking part.

The presentation ceremony was held on Wednesday 10 April and was attended by the vice-rector of Territorial Projection and Society, Jorge Hermosilla; the mayor of Requena, Mario Sánchez; the curator of the exhibition, and professor at the University of Valencia Victor Agulló, and the director of the office of Caixa Popular Requena, Ricardo Ruiz.  The exhibition Territori valencià, territori runner [Valencian territory, runner territory] can be visited in Requena until 5 May, the date on which the seventh edition of the Requena Trail El Rebollar is held.

Produced because of the initiative of the Vice-rectorate for Territorial Projection and Society of the Universitat de València and financed by Caixa Popular and the General Management of Sports, the exhibition consists of 32 panels.  The curator is Professor Víctor Agulló (Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology) from the Universitat de València, who has coordinated the contributions of 48 authors, most of them teachers and researchers from the Universitat de València, as well as athletes, sports historians, coaches and journalists, all specialists in running.  This large participation gives the exhibition a multidisciplinary character, which allows the running phenomenon to be approached from a wide variety of perspectives, such as health, physiology, quality of life, nutrition, injury prevention, psychology, etc.

As with the exhibitions organised by the Vicerectorate of Territorial Projection and Society, the exhibition Territori valencià, territori runner is characterised by its itinerant nature, an example of which are the many municipalities it has already visited:  València, Massamagrell, Chulilla, l’Eliana, Siete Aguas, Paterna, Alzira, Alcoi, Gandia, Segorbe, Riba-roja de Túria, and now Requena. Soon, the tour will continue through other towns in València such as Algemesí or La Pobla de Vallbona.