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Requena and Massamagrell host exhibitions of the Universitat de València about the heritage cultural and running

  • Office of the Vice-Principal Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life
  • May 16th, 2018
Requena y Massamagrell acogen las exposiciones de la Universitat de València sobre patrimonio cultural y running

The opening of exhibition ‘Valencian Cultural Heritage’ takes place this Thursday 17th May at the Local Museum of Requena. The following day, Friday 18th, the exhibition ‘Valencian territory, runner territory’ will be present at the One Wall Pavilion of Massamagrell.

During the opening act of Valencian Cultural Heritage in Requena will be held on Thursday at 18h and will be attended by the mayor of the town, Mario Sánchez, the vice-principal of Territorial Projection and Participation, Jorge Hermosilla, and the representative of Caixa Popular of the Office of Requena, Verónica Ruiz. Those who are interested can visit the exhibition, from Wednesday to Saturday (10:30 to 14h) in the Requena’s main Museum until 10th June.

There are 36 boards in the exhibition and include maps, graphic material and explicative texts that have been written by more than 20 experts of the Universitat de València in fields such as history, archaeology, sociology, geography and art. The exhibition address the wealthy Valencian heritage from a multidisciplinary and plural perspective and its starting point is the Atlas del Patrimonio Cultural Valenciano published in 2010.

The exhibition  Territorio valenciano, territorio runner makes a “careful and scientist radiograph of the current situation of running, its capacities and challenges of the future”, claims the coordinator of the exhibition, professor Víctor Agulló (Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology). The exhibition will be presented in Massamagrell on Friday 18th May, at 13:30, at the One Wall Pavilion. The presentation in this town of l’Horta region is timed to coincide with the opening of the Runner Fair of 17th edition of 15km Vila de Massamagrell. At the opening will attend the vice-principal Jorge Hermosilla, the coordinator Víctor Agulló, as well as the mayor of the town, Josep Lluís Galarza, and representing Caixa Popular, Amador Cano.

In this exhibition have participated 48 authors, the majority of professors and researchers of the Universitat de València, but also boards are signed by athlets, sports historian, coach of journalist, all of them specialist of running. High participation gives to exhibition a multidisciplinary and multifaceted nature. That allows to deal with the phenomenon of running from a wide range of views, such as health, physiology, quality of life, nutrition, injury prevention or psychology.

Both exhibitions have been produced by initiative of the vice-principal of Territorial Projection and Participation of the Universitat de València and are funded by Caixa Popular and General Direction of Culture and Heritage (exhibition about Valencian heritage) and the General Direction of Sports (exhibition about running).