Readings TFG Bachelor's Degree in Medicine 1st Call - 1st period Course 2024-2025 Readings TFG Bachelor's Degree in Medicine 1st Call - 1st period Course 2024-2025 28/01/25 HorariReadings TFG Bachelor's Degree in Medicine 1st call - academic year 2023-2024 In the attached document, students who have completed their TFG in the Department of Pharmacology will find the...[Read more]
IX Reunió Anual de la Xarxa d'Innovació Docent en Farmacologia IX Reunió Anual de la Xarxa d'Innovació Docent en Farmacologia 02/07/24 Les IX Jornades de la Xarxa Interuniversitària d'Innovació Docent en Farmacologia es celebraren els dies 15 i 16 de juliol en format en línia o en modalitat presencial, a triar, a la Sala de Juntes...[Read more]
Lectures TFG Degree in Medicine 2nd call - Academic year 2023-24 Lectures TFG Degree in Medicine 2nd call - Academic year 2023-24 05/06/24 Lectures TFG Degree in Medicine 2nd call - Academic year 2023-24 In the attached document, students who have completed their TFG in the Department of Pharmacology will find the date and time of its...[Read more]
Conference CNIC " Factors cardiovascular Risk and Brain Health" Conference CNIC " Factors cardiovascular Risk and Brain Health" 14/03/24 The Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC) will hold a conference next June; » Factors cardiovascular risk and brain health," which will encompass a variety of crucial...[Read more]
Convocation of Department Council Election of Department Director Convocation of Department Council Election of Department Director 30/01/24 The Department Council is convened for February 19, 2024 at 12:30 p.m. on first call and 1:00 p.m. on second call, in classroom 2 of the Departmental Section of Pharmacology of the Faculty of...[Read more]
Professional Future Seminar Professional Future Seminar 24/11/23 Next Thursday, November 30, 2023, within the Pharmacognosy activities of group C, a Seminar on the Professional Future will take place. It will be from 10 to 12 in Room 17 of the Faculty of Pharmacy...[Read more]
Marian Blanch Ruiz pHD Dissertation 13/11/23 On November, the 22nd at 1:00 p.m., at the Graus Hall of the Faculty of Medicine, the PhD student of the Doctorate in Biomedicine and Medicine, Marian Blanch Ruiz, will carry out the defense of her...
Renewal of members of the Department of Pharmacology Council Renewal of members of the Department of Pharmacology Council 13/11/23 From this moment on, the call for elections to the Council of the Department of Pharmacology and the calendar of elections is made public. All the documents can be found as pdf on this same page,...[Read more]
Acadèmica de la RANF María Jesús Sanz Acadèmica de la RANF María Jesús Sanz 24/10/23 El dia 31 d'octubre a les 19 hrs, la catedràtica del Departament de Farmacologia, Il·lma. Dña. María Jesús Sanz Ferrando, prendrà possessió com Acadèmica Corresponent de la Reial Acadèmia Nacional de...[Read more]
VIII REUNIÓ DE LA XARXA INTERUNIVERSITÀRIA D´INNOVACIÓ DOCENT EN FARMACOLOGIA VIII REUNIÓ DE LA XARXA INTERUNIVERSITÀRIA D´INNOVACIÓ DOCENT EN FARMACOLOGIA 11/07/23 VIII Jornada de la "Xarxa interuniversitària d’Innovació Docent en Farmacologia“ Els propers dies 11 i 12 de juliol es celebrara la vuitena Jornada d’Innovació Docent de la "Xarxa...[Read more]
LECTURES TFG GRAU MEDICINA 2ª CONVOCATÒRIA CURSO 2022-23 LECTURES TFG GRAU MEDICINA 2ª CONVOCATÒRIA CURSO 2022-23 13/06/23 Al document adjunt els alumnes que han realizat el seu TFG al Departament de Farmacologia trobaran la data i hora de la seva lectura i el seu número de tribunal corresponent al 2ª convocatòria. Les...[Read more]
LECTURES TFG GRAU MEDICINA 2ª CONVOCATÒRIA CURS 2022-23 LECTURES TFG GRAU MEDICINA 2ª CONVOCATÒRIA CURS 2022-23 12/06/23 Al document adjunt els alumnes que han realizat el seu TFG al Departament de Farmacologia trobaran la data i hora de la seva lectura i el seu número de tribunal corresponent al 2ª Convocatòria. Les...[Read more]