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From Manuscript to Publication in JCR Journals: Academic Writing Workshop

Destinatarios PDI
Modalidad de impartición En línea síncrona
Lengua Inglés
Duración total 16
Duración en línea síncrona 16
Programa Convocatoria 'Docencia e investigación'
Modalidad formativa Curso
Curso académico 2022-2023
Edición 01
Any del pla de formació 2023
Fecha de inicio del curso 15/05/2023
Fecha de finalización del curso 07/06/2023
Fecha de inicio de inscripción 06/03/2023
Fecha de finalización de inscripción 27/03/2023
Sesión Fecha y hora de inicio Fecha y hora de finalización Aula Ubicación
1 15/05/2023 15:30 15/05/2023 17:30 En línea
2 17/05/2023 15:30 17/05/2023 17:30 En línea
3 22/05/2023 15:30 22/05/2023 17:30 En línea
4 24/05/2023 15:30 24/05/2023 17:30 En línea
5 29/05/2023 15:30 29/05/2023 17:30 En línea
6 31/05/2023 15:30 31/05/2023 17:30 En línea
7 05/06/2023 15:30 05/06/2023 17:30 En línea
8 07/06/2023 15:30 07/06/2023 17:30 En línea
Professorado no UV

René Olate Alveal

Faculty at Universidad Dr. Andrés Bello (UNAB - El Salvador), invited faculty to the PhD in Social Sciences at Universidad Centroamericana (UCA - El Salvador), and contributing faculty for the Doctoral Programs (DSW and PhD) in Social Work at Walden University. Dr. Olate Alveal received his PhD and master’s in social work from Washington University. In his native country, Chile, he received his professional degree in social work at University of Concepcion and his master’s in social sciences at ILADES / P. Gregorian University of Rome. He has held faculty positions at P. Universidad Católica de Chile, Boston College, and Ohio University. He has conducted international research on youth programs and worked as an international consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the United Nations (UNDP and UNV) and USAID in various countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. He has been a visiting professor at universities in Chile, Colombia, Ethiopia, Mexico, and Nicaragua. His research area focuses on the thematic intersection among masculinities, violence, and community interventions. In addition, he has a pedagogical interest in the digital economy and innovation in social interventions. He is currently developing a study in Colombia, El Salvador, and Panamá about community evidence-based interventions for immigrants.

Objetivos formativos

OBJECTIVE: The goal of this course is to aid participants in taking their manuscripts from draft quality to journal quality and in overcoming anxiety about academic publishing in the process.



  • Session 1: Designing your plan for writing
  • Session 2: Advancing your argument and abstracting
  • Session 3: Selecting a journal
  • Session 4: Refining the works cited
  • Session 5: Crafting the claims for significance
  • Session 6: Analyzing and presenting the evidence
  • Session 7: Strengthening the structure: Opening and concluding
  • Session 8: Editing and submitting your manuscript

Recommended Texts

Belcher, W. L. (2019). Writing your journal article in twelve weeks: A guide to academic publishing success (2nd ed.). University of Chicago Press.  (You need this edition, not the previous one, from 2009.) Manual style most used in your discipline (APA, Chicago, MLS, etc.).

Competencias que se desarrollarán

By the end of the course, students are expected to be able to:

  • Submitting a manuscript for publication in a JCR journal
  • Setting up a work schedule
  • Identifying appropriate journals for submission
  • Working with editors
  • Writing query letters
  • Clarifying arguments in manuscripts
  • Making claims for significance in manuscripts
  • Organizing materials for manuscripts with multiple. authors
Criterios y procedimiento de evaluación de la actividad
  • All assignments must be completed to pass the workshop. The workshop required 85% of attendance.
  • To complete the Writing Assignment task