Universitat de ValènciaDepartment of Spanish Logo del portal

The research group known as HISLEDIA (Historia e Historiografía de la Lengua Española en su Diacronía), which is a Research Group recognised by the Universitat de València (GIUV2013-080), has its beginnings in the 80’s. It has its main scientific purpose on the study of Spanish History and Historiography in their diachronic perspective.

This group has its foundation within the creation of a professorship vacancy of Historical Linguistics and Dialectology in the Universitat de València. After obtaining that professorship vacancy in 1987, M.ª Teresa Echenique coincided with the elaboration of M.ª José Martínez’s doctoral thesis. This dissertation was directed and supervised by Emilio Ridruejo, who moved to the University of Valladolid in 1988. This fact leads also to the co-directed thesis of Amparo Ricós, which was guided between Professor Echenique and Professor Ridruejo.

During a period of time and after having a division in the group by scientific reasons and purposes, Professor Martínez became the main researcher of a secondary area within the diachronic linguistic studies at the Universitat de València. Nevertheless, new publications and research works were made together. The excellent relationships between the members and the same research purposes have made possible the evolution of this group to the current status of HISLEDIA.

The research lines of the group HISLEDIA comprise the study of Spanish History and Historiography in their diachronic perspective. Thus, it is important to contrast the results with the linguistic variation of the languages within the Iberian Peninsula. The objectives have its focus in the following areas of study:

Spanish Origins

Spanish Historiography (grammars, orthographies and dictionaries)

History of Spanish Phonetics and Phonology: from the Middle Ages until the present

History of Spanish Phraseology


This group is currently developing a Research Project entitled HISLECDIAC (Historia e historiografía de la lengua castellana en su diacronía contrastiva), code: FFI2017-83688-P) funded by the Ministerial Excellence Project action “Programa estatal de fomento de la investigación científica y técnica de excelencia del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Subprograma de generación del conocimiento)” and directed by the professors M.ª Teresa Echenique and M.ª José Martínez.
