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La Nau dels Estudiants 2022. ¡Inscríbete!
La Nau del Estudiants 2022

From September the 5th to the 8th 2022, before the start of the academic year, a new edition of La Nau dels Estudiants will take place, a training proposals that provides university students with practical knowledge and useful resources for their academic experience.

This year, the workshops at La Nau dels Estudiants are once again face-to-face and all of them last 10 hours. The courses are as follows: Planificación y gestión del tiempo (Spanish for Time planning and management), Técnicas para el control del estrés (Spanish for Stress management techinques), Estrategias de aprendizaje en la universidad (Spanish for University learning strategies), Estrategias de expresión oral en el ámbito académico y profesional (Spanish for Speaking strategies for academic and professional environments), Técnicas de expresión escrita y redacción para el ámbito académico (Spanish for Writing techniques for the academic environment) and Sacar partido a las hojas de cálculo (Spanish for Make use of spreadsheets). In addition, the workshop Construyendo masculinidad(es) en el contexto universitario (Spanish for Constructing maculinity(ies) in the university context) which seeks to promote change by raising awareness of the need for a new definition of masculinity, in collaboration with the Equality Unit and the workshop on gender identity and diversity run by the Diversitats initiative, both of which are free of charge.

La Nau dels Estudiants enrolment will be open from June the 21st to August the 31st through the UV Online Office. The courses have an academic recognition of 0.5 ECTS credits, provided that the verification conditions established for each course are met, except for free courses that do not have academic recognition.


ScheduleFrom 5 september 2022 to 8 september 2022. Monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday at 09:00 to 14:00.


West Classrooms Building, Tarongers Campus

Organized by

La Nau dels Estudiants is organised by the SeDi Information and Promotion Service..



Contact nauest@uv.es

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