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Welcome to the web of the School of Engineering (ETSE) of the University of Valencia for the exchange programs. In this page you will find everything you need to know about coming and studying with us. You can find information about the University, the School of Engineering, the Campus where it is placed, the usual ways of hosting and how is the live here, the city, the country and, of course, you can also have a look to the studies we teach and the different possibilities you have if coming.

If finally you choose coming here, we hope that you will enjoy your stay in Valencia, that your visit will be culturally and academically fulfilling and that the exchange programme will be in accordance with your highest expectations.

We suggest the students try to plan their study courses before their arrival to Valencia. The University of Valencia offers the students the opportunity to study quality academic courses (at the same level as the best universities in Europe) and the advantage of doing so in a wonderful place.

A good helping introduction is this University Guide of Valencia, and a Phrase book.

We’ll be glad to answer any question or suggestion you have. You can send a message to any of the exchange coordinators or to the main electronic address: erasetse@uv.es

What to know before arriving

There are two principal subjects at arriving at Valencia: academicals and how to live/accommodation/...

Academicals topic is related to choose what subjects you are going to study. It's managed with the Learning Agreement, and you have to speak with the coordinators at your university and here.

About how to live, there some different habits in Spain, you have to know a little Valencia, and to find your accommodation. For all these, you can contact with the students assistant to help you  erasetse@uv.es

So, if you are at the airport, you can take a taxi, bus or metro (Underground) for go to Valencia city center(~10 km), at your accommodation place. Train station is sited at city centre. If you have not accommodation yet, maybe you want to book any temporary, and then, search one fixed, as residence or shared apartment (cheaper and usual at Spain).

The accommodation is not provided by University of Valencia. However, we try to help to the students. About permanent accommodation, you can choose between residence or similar- private, around 500 euros-, a flat (usually shared flat with other students) around 150-200 euros. There are private agencies for contract flats, and there are newspapers, lists in university, etc, for search by yourself and without paying, of course.

You can consult the list at this page web that contains some facilities for accommodation. Besides, you can search pasted papers in walls, streetlights, notice boards in faculties, telephone boxes... These notices and accommodations are sited above all near faculties.

Engineering School (ETSE) is sited in Burjassot, a village near Valencia. If you don't live in Burjassot, you have to take tramway/underground or bus (Burjassot is near, like a part of Valencia). Also it is interesting thinking if you want be sited in a special place for to go out or to know the city.

About Spanish courses, there are several academies for learning it, at university and private academies, both are necessary to be paid, but the university is cheaper.

For solve the first administrative questions, you have to go to the International Relations Office at Burjassot campus, sited at central library, when you are ready to go.

Remember, you may use international students assistant aid.

He can pickup you at the airport or any other place, and help you in your logistic related questions. Contact before your arrival: erasetse@uv.es


The University

You can find information about the University surfing on the University of Valencia website.

All foreign students who belong to the Socrates-Erasmus program or any other exchange program must report their arrival to the INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICE:

  • Burjassot Campus. Central Library - Ground flour

Tel. (+34) 96 354 44 14 Fax: (+34) 96 354 44 13
e-mail: relint.burjasot@uv.es

  • Blasco Ibáñez Campus, Avda. Blasco Ibañez, 13 46010 Valencia

Tel. (+34) 96 386 41 10 Fax: (+34) 96 386 42 24
e-mail: relaciones.internacionales@uv.es


If you are coming here you can have LANGUAGE LESSONS of Spanish and Catalan, that you’ll need to know if the subjects you choose are taught in that language.

SPANISH  http://www.uv.es/=idiomas/eng/index2.html

CATALAN / VALENCIAN  http://www.spluv.es/index.php/aprendre-catala-i-altres-llenguees/cursos-de-valencia

In addition to their regular classes, the professors of the University have some hours of tutorials each week. Students may meet their teachers and discuss matters about the courses they have taken. Tutorials of each teacher are posted on the news board of their respective departments. erasetse@uv.es

Final grades will be sent directly to the exchange students' respective universities. This issue will be done after June for those students who only took classes the first semester. And after October for those who took classes either in the first and second semester or only in the second semester. One Spanish credit is the same as one ECTS.


The campus

The School of Engineering (ETSE) is placed in the Campus of Burjassot, a village next to Valencia and well (and fast) communicated. You can arrive driving from Valencia taking the motorway to Llíria and Ademuz (see the map), or you can get the EMT red bus (line 63) also by metro and tranvia (L4) (TVV Stop)



General Description of the School of Engineering (ETSE)

The School of Engineering (ETSE) of the University of Valencia has been created very recently. In fact it was officially established on the 24th of September of 2003. This new School of Engineering of the University of Valencia has its origins at the common needs and desires of three Departments of our University. These Departments are Chemical Engineering, Electronic Engineering and Computer Science. All these departments are involved in lecturing in several engineering degrees of our University at its Campus of Burjassot.
