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Adaptation to new undergratuate degrees

For students who did not complete a phased-out degree: Diplomatura (3-year Bachelor’s Degree), Ingeniería Técnica (3-year Degree in Engineering), Ingeniería (5-year Degree in Engineering) or a Licenciatura (5-year Bachelor’s Degree)

Completed subjects in your ‘old’ academic record will be validated by corresponding subjects in the new degree programme in accordance with the Equivalence Chart set for each degree (see below), establishing equivalences with previous degree programmes.

If the degree of correspondence between subjects is high, the grade/mark obtained in the original subject is also transferred. If two or more original subjects are needed to establish the equivalence, the transferred grade will be the weighted average. If the grade in one of the original subjects were an A+ (Sp. matrícula de honor), this will be also transferred to the new record if and only if the weighted average is higher than 9 (out of 10).

For the purposes of adaptation to the current degree programme, the following Equivalence Chart is used for reference, and the four exam attempts for each subject set by the regulations are observed

Equivalence chart for the current degree programme

Five-year degree in English Philology

Previous degree Type of subject Type of subject Degree
English Language I Obligatorio Obligatorio English language 2
English Language I Troncal Basic Training English language 1
Spanish Language Troncal Basic Training Norms and correct usage of Spanish
    Basic Training Latin 1
English Phonology Obligatorio Obligatorio English phonology
History and Culture of English Speaking Countries Troncal Basic Training History and culture of English-speaking countries
    Basic Training Philosophical thought in English-speaking countries
19th and 20th Century English Theatre Obligatorio Obligatorio English theatre from the 19th to the 21st centuries
19th and 20th Century English Theatre Troncal    
English Lexis Obligatorio Obligatorio English morphology and lexis
German (Second Language) I Troncal Optativo German language 1
French (Second Language) I Troncal Optativo French language 1
Arabic (Second Language) I Troncal Optativo Arabic language 1
Italian (Second Language) I Troncal Optativo Italian language 1
Portuguese (Second Language) I Troncal Optativo Portuguese language 1
Russian (Second Language) I Troncal Optativo Russian language 1
German Literature Troncal Optativo Literature (2nd language): German
French Literature Troncal Optativo Literature (2nd language): French
Arabic Literature Troncal Optativo Literature (2nd language): Arabic
Italian Literature Troncal Optativo Literature (2nd language): Italian
Portuguese Literature Troncal Optativo Literature (2nd language): Portuguese
Russian Literature Troncal Optativo Slavic literatures
    Obligatorio Introduction to English literature
Catalan Language Troncal Basic Training Catalan language
English Language II Obligatorio Obligatorio English language 3
English Language II Troncal Obligatorio English language 4
English Narrative since the 18th Century Obligatorio Obligatorio English narrative in the 20th and 21st centuries
English Literature Study Methods Optativo Obligatorio Practical criticism applied to English literature
Theory of Literature Troncal Basic Training Literary theory
Introduction to the History of English Obligatorio Obligatorio History of the English language
Linguistics Troncal Basic Training Linguistics
U.S. Literature from its Origin to the 19th Century Obligatorio Obligatorio American literature I: from the origins to the 19th century
English Language III Obligatorio Obligatorio English language 5
    Obligatorio English language 6
19th and 20th Century English Poetry Obligatorio Obligatorio English poetry in the 20th and 21st centuries
19th and 20th Century English Poetry Troncal    
Translation of General English Texts Obligatorio Optativo General translation in English
Analysis of Conversational and Colloquial English Optativo Optativo Monographic course in English linguistics
Translation Concepts, Methodology and Evaluation in AngloSaxon Schools Optativo    
Gender and Sex in English Texts Optativo    
History of English Language Troncal    
English in the Written Media Optativo    
English in the Spoken Media Optativo    
English Stylistics Optativo    
English Semantics Optativo    
English Sociolinguistics Optativo    
Translation of ScientificTechnical Texts Optativo    
Translation of English Humanity Texts Optativo    
Social and Geographic Varieties in Contemporary English Optativo    
English Literature Monographic Course Optativo Optativo Monographic course in English literature
Hypertexts and English Literature Optativo    
English Literature and Political Discourse Optativo    
Arabic (Second Language) II Optativo Optativo Arabic language 3
Italian (Second Language) II Optativo Optativo Italian language 3
Portuguese (Second Language) II Optativo Optativo Portuguese language 3
American Literature of the Southern United States Optativo Optativo Monographic course in American literature
US Short Story Writing Optativo    
Ethnic Literature in the US Optativo    
Origin of American Theatre Optativo    
Recent Developments in Linguistics Optativo Optativo Recent developments in Linguistics
Linguistic Typology Optativo    
English Grammar Troncal Obligatorio English syntax
U.S. Literature since the 19th Century Troncal Obligatorio American literature II: from the 19th to the 21st centuries
English Theatre until the 19th Century Obligatorio Obligatorio English literature in the 17th and 18th centuries
English Poetry and Prose since the 19th Century Troncal Obligatorio Medieval and 16th century English literature
Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language Optativo Obligatorio Acquisition and teaching of English as a foreign language
Linguistic Analysis of English Texts Optativo Optativo Discourse analysis in English
Pragmatics in English Language Optativo    
Translation of Literary English Texts Optativo Optativo Translation of English literary and audio-visual
Discourse Analysis of Academic Genres and Their Production Optativo Optativo English for specific purposes
English Language and Literature Work Placement Optativo Optativo English language work placement
English Language and Literature Placement Optativo    
English Language and Literature. Work Placement Optativo    
English Language and Literature. Work Placement Optativo    
English Language and Literature Work Placement Optativo