Facultat de Ciències BiològiquesEnllaç a Grau en Ciències AmbientalsUniversitat de València Logo del portal

This Master’s Degree is primarily aimed at professionals who already work in the field of cultural management. These professionals typically have diverse prior training and hold an undergraduate degree in the areas of sciences, humanities or social sciences. However, preference is given to students who hold an undergraduate degree in Geography and History, History of Art, Business Administration and Management, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Language Studies, Economics, Law, Anthropology, Archaeology, Fine Arts, Audiovisual Communication, Journalism, Humanities, Documentation or Computer Science, as they offer the most training in the field of cultural management. Architectural and engineering degrees are also acceptable, provided that the candidate can demonstrate training or professional experience in the field of cultural management. In addition, applications will be considered from candidates who hold a diplomatura (former Spanish undergraduate degree) and can demonstrate a minimum of 180 credits of training related to cultural management, in the broadest sense of the term. This includes candidates with diplomaturas in Tourism and Business Sciences.