Facultat de Ciències BiològiquesEnllaç a Grau en Ciències AmbientalsUniversitat de València Logo del portal

The Faculty of Biological Sciences at the University of Valencia was created 19 September 1977 by Ministerial Order, in which it was decided to divide the former Faculty of Sciences at the University of Valencia into four Faculties:

  • Faculty of Chemical Sciences
  • Faculty of Physical Sciences
  • Faculty of Biological Sciences
  • Faculty of Mathematical Sciences

Its origins date back to 1968 when the Section of Biological Sciences was created in the former Faculty of Sciences located at Avenida Blasco Ibáñez, 13 (former Paseo Valencia al Mar) which, until that time, housed the Sections of Chemical and Physical Sciences. The subsequent emergence of the Section of Mathematical Sciences, the gradual increase in the number of students and the imminent move to the current Burjassot campus led to the division of the four Faculties.

With the move to the new Burjassot campus in 1978, this Faculty has its own buildings and facilities.