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Imagen Campus AgrotecUV
Open registration for the AgrotecUV Campus, with 5,000€ in awards.

Registration for participating in the Innova AgrotecUV Campus, the entrepreneurship Campus organised by Uvemprén thanks to the collaboration agreement of the Universitat de València with the Council of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society of the Generalitat Valenciana.

AgrotecUV Campus is a Summer School of Innovation and a hackathon in sustainable and healthy food processing with 5,000€ in awards and the possibility of starting up your idea. It is addressed to official students of degree, master’s degree and doctoral studies of the Universitat de València of the academic course 2022-2023, as well as graduates of the last three years, and it consists on:

  • An intensive training program on innovation for preparing students for creating business ideas and innovative and entrepreneurial projects of triple impact regarding a sustainable and healthy food processing.
  • Four monetary awards, one of 2,000€, and three secondary awards of 1,000€ for the best four entrepreneurial projects.

Students completing the training program will obtain a “Certificado de técnicas de emprendimiento innovador en agroalimentación” (Certificate of innovative entrepreneurship techniques in food processing) of the Universitat de València.

Should you want more information on this Campus call, it can be found here.


ScheduleFrom 25 may 2023 to 18 june 2023. Every day at 14:55 to 23:59.


Universitat de València

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Contact uvempren@uv.es

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