Universitat de ValènciaGrau en Nutrició Humana i DietèticaFacultat de Farmàcia Logo del portal

The master’s programme caters for student exchanges under the Erasmus scheme. The agreements currently in force with a number of European universities are being extended for this purpose. The University of Valencia has long experience in student exchanges and relies on a suitable organisational structure which allows the institution to implement differentiated actions for outgoing students (those travelling to other universities) and incoming ones (those coming to the UV). These are some of such actions:
- Outgoing students: support and career guidance at the beginning of the academic year: information on the academic offer of other equivalent studies and grants.
- Incoming students: detailed information is sent to the sister university, for the institution to circulate it to students. Once registered with the UV, they are given all the information materials and explained the steps to take. Welcome days are usually held at the beginning of October in which students are given practical information on the city, the university and the studies. Different social and cultural events are held along the academic year, like guided visits with university lecturers, visits to museums, institutions, etc.

On the basis of bilateral agreements, 1 places can be exchanged during 10 months between Universitat de València and Università Degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" (Italy).The agreements are managed by the International Relations Service of the UV, relaciones.internacionales@uv.es.
All student mobility programmes are conformant to the ECTS system, which means that all credits earned in the destination university are deemed valid and included into the student’s academic records.

Regulations: Regulations of mobility to the University of Valencia (approved by the Governing Council on 29 October, 2013. ACGUV 196/2013).